April 9, 2008

Stars of the Lid: pioneers of sonic yoga

Troubled times, here. Economic recession, WAR, Olympic torch protests, polygamy left and right, and just about everyone's got the '08 election blues. What the world needs now is a warm, fuzzy sonic bath from a band that's even more chilled out than Sigur Ros, if you can imagine that. Stars of the Lid, an ambient duo from Austin, Texas, takes the prize for the ultimate in relaxation music. Not a smidgen of rock noise creeps into their lingering soundscapes, much of it influenced by experimental electronic composers and post-rock. It's droney, free-floating and lacks the confines of traditional song structures - thus, the perfect soundtrack to liberate listeners from the bog of their stress-addled cages. The kind of music you have to take off your shoes to listen to. Since one of the guys now resides in Belgium and they don't come 'round these parts often, San Francisco-heads should take advantage this Tuesday, April 15, when they play live at the Independent. $15.

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