April 18, 2008

Owwwooooooh! It's Wolf Parade

I adore Sunset Rubdown and all, but happy happy joy joy, break out the cigars: Wolf Parade's set to rejoin the music-making world with the birth of their new baby. Due June 17, it's a Gemini - you know - whimsical, creative, spontaneous ... The gossip mill, or rather, the Web site of their record label Sub Pop, reports their second album features nine tracks (which seems rather short, doesn't it?), but apparently one runs for an epic 11 minutes. Sounds like they're really stretching out their sound, huh? And for more ooh-ness, earlier this week the guys dropped a sample - "Call It A Ritual," all Spencer Krug vocal perversity and demented keyboard coolness. Yum: [On a side note, let me just say BULLSHIT to PitchforkMedia for deeming the tentative title of the album, Kissing The Beehive, as "terrible." Fuck off, bitter music writer, you. The claim has no legs. Your face is terrible.]

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