April 2, 2008

Rant: Survey says! Surveys suck.

Led Zeppelin fans apparently will be voting imbecile when it comes time for the November presidential election, or at least that's what a survey released Wednesday would like us to believe. According to a Web poll of more than 27,000 rock radio listeners conducted by Jacobs Media, a consulting firm that studies rock stations, classic rock enthusiasts tend to vote Republican while alternative fans lean toward Democratic candidates. Behold John McCain's new slogan in '08:
Abstinence, the war on drugs and rock 'n' roll
I won't hold my breath. I have a hard time buying that someone's allegiance to such progressive and free-thinking artists as Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix directly correlates to endorsing a warmonger like McCain. The survey's conclusion and the way data are being interpreted is flawed. It's not musical preference that controls a person's political alignment, but rather, listening habits play a secondary role to more decisive voting factors like age and wealth. Older radio listeners - the kind who tune in to classic rock stations more often than modern alternative due to a generational gap - likely have more money, and thus are more inclined to want to protect their almighty dollar by voting Republican. And folks, that's not news. I'm sick of these bullshit sociology methods gone stupid so willingly gobbled and digested by media, who report misleading generalizations to the public as gospel. Surveys suck. Disney fans and hunting aficionados, however, take heart: The poll also revealed 11 respondents pick Mickey Mouse, and 3 Ted Nugent, as the best presidential candidates come November. And to think I didn't take this survey seriously!

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