May 8, 2008

Word abuse: darlings

Oh, it's just so *cute* when individuals devote countless hours to learn musical instruments; track down others to collaborate as a multifaceted ensemble; practice day after day to compose recordings that don't sound like garbage; spill heart and blood and tears and soul and guts and sweat into songs, which will then be subject to judgment by hack arbiters embittered that they themselves can't play.

Guess that's why music writers love to call good bands "darlings" so much. Because art and self expression are just so damn adorable!

31 flavors and then some - just about every style of music has its darling:

"Indie darlings Signal Hill Transmission have crafted a fine-tuned ..."

"Folk-rock darlings the Indigo Girls are back to celebrate their ..."

"Country music darlings Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler and Taylor Swift cheer on the Nashville Predators as they ..."

"Hip-hop darlings Hilltop Hoods played the event last year and ..."

"The latest from Finland's current black metal darlings does not disappoint ..."

Don't you just wanna pinch some cheeks?

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