High-quality music: as inalienable as food and water
May 6, 2008
Sorta CD review: Nine Inch Nails "The Slip"
Hardy har, "Nine Inch Nails give fans The Slip."
Oh, what a field day Monday was for news editors, what with that irresistible kneeslapper of a headline to announce NIN's latest full-length offering was made available as a free download.
Yes, we all know Trent Reznor gives. And he gives again. The guy's a giver, a sower. And us fans taketh away. Let the reaping begin.
Despite Reznor's recently prolific output (and before you get the wrong idea), Reznor didn't raid the shitpile for The Slip. These aren't throwaway tracks hastily slapped together to garner press preceding the upcoming NIN tour.
Though on first listen - blaring from shitty computer speakers as I got distracted by other fun things - I didn't think too highly of the album's 10 tracks. Same old industrial rock lite talking about depressing things like isolation, numbness and feeling really pissed off. Created quite the cacophony with the fridge buzz, though.
But during a later-night rendezvous, I can now say I get it. Sitting in near-dark the second time 'round listening through earbuds, I discovered The Slip is a headphones album. (Or maybe this discovery simply speaks to the poor quality of my sound system. Accepting donations now.)
With Trent & Co. piping directly into my eardrums and the fuzzy fusion of sounds coming through all the more clearer (seriously - a crying baby AND an angry cat's meow on "Corona Radiata"), I decided that these are more of the same old NIN songs, but fuck it - they're still anthems. And there's no argument that holds water against an anthem, kids.
General impressions and standouts: adore the drum and bass intensity lurking behind breakneck "Letting You"; the main fuzzy riff of "Discipline" totally sounds like a slowed-down "The Hand That Feeds"; "Head Down" transcends all that cold machine crackle with a blissful chorus and dreamy synth.
And let me announce my favorite, the hot and heavy makeout anthem of '08 for goths, vampires and other lovers of the dark: the slithery stealth groove of instrumental "The Four of Us Are Dying." Mwah.
Nine Inch Nails – The Four of Us are DyingNine Inch Nails – Head Down
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