February 6, 2008

CD review: Grizzly Bear "Yellow House"

Grizzly Bear is a miniature orchestra. Autoharp, banjo, bass, clarinet, drums, electronics and treatments, flute, glockenspiel, guitar, keyboard, lap steel, piano, saxophone, vocals, xylophone. Yellow House is a love album. "Chin up/cheer up/my love's another kind." Walt Disney and Co. (trademark) wishes Grizzly Bear made a "Lullabye" for one of their movies. Ones remixed by DJ Shadow. And not many people know that Pink Floyd's "Little Brother" sang just like him, all softly in people's ears to make their heads fall on pillows. One time the Beach Boys tried jabbing a "Knife" into a doo-wop Arcade Fire melody (I heard it was because they didn't like being compared to other bands). But no blood came out. Don't tell "Marla" I told you, but she said Grizzly Bear has a crush on Olivia Tremor Control. LOL! And try not to spoil the surprise, but Man Man "Plans" to take their four sober, earnestly harmonizing, goody-two-shoes younger siblings in Grizzly Bear camping. It's fun to hear miniature orchestras play campfire songs.

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